1. The CANADIAN CONFERENCE OF CATHOLIC BISHOPS (CCCB) has published GUIDELINES for the Liturgy of the Word with Children called Celebrating the Liturgy of the Word with Children. Guidelines for Practice. Cancan Inc. 2006

2. Following the Second Vatican Council’s teaching on the “full, conscious and active participation” of all the faithful in the Liturgy (SC.14), the Church has issued the Directory for Masses with Children (DMC). Expressing a genuine concern for the liturgical formation of children of all ages the Church gives a “permission for occasional celebrations of the word for children” (DMC.17)

3. The LITURGY OF THE WORD WITH CHILDREN is not a “SundaySchool” or a “Junior Liturgy” or a “babysitting service”. As the name spells out, we gather with children to celebrate the Liturgy of the Word, the first part of the Mass. We do not directly teach the catechism or babysit while parents may “peacefully pray”. This gathering is not a substitute for a Sunday school, or a preparation for First Communion. This is a Liturgy. We follow the same liturgy as the grownups do but in children’s language and with their active participation. It is about worship and celebration of the Word of God. All learning here takes place through the liturgical prayer and worship.

4. AGE OF PARTICIPATING CHILDREN . The Canadian Bishops’ Guidelines following the Directory for Masses with Children explain that the separate Liturgy of the Word should be celebrated with children age 4- 8 (p.35).

5. TIME TO INVITE CHILDERN FOR THEIR LITURGY and bring them back; exactly the same as for the Liturgy of the Word for the main congregation. The Presiding Priest calls them to the front after the Opening Prayer (Collect - the prayer before the readings). They all return to the main assembly after the Prayer of the Faithful, during the Offertory Hymn.

  • Invitation of Children by the Presider; prayer of sending and handing out of the Lectionary
  • Procession with the Lectionary to the separate place of worship
  • First Reading
  • Responsorial Psalm
  • Gospel Acclamation
  • Proclamation of the Gospel
  • Homiletical Reflection
  • Profession of Faith
  • Prayer of the Faithful/Universal Prayer
  • Return to the Assembly

7. HOW OFTEN SHOULD WE CELEBRATE SEPARATELY THE LITURGY OF THE WORD with CHILDREN? When talking about the frequency of the separate celebrations with children the Directory uses the word “sometimes” (DMC 25-27). The Canadian Guidelines explain that The Liturgy of the Word “should not be a weekly or randomly scheduled event” (#62). In planning it, parishes should consider at least two criteria: the Sunday readings and any special rites celebrated within Mass that children attend. The leader in cooperation with the pastor may prepare a seasonal or a monthly schedule of separate Liturgy of the Word with children

8. THE LECTIONARY to be used in Liturgy of the Word with Children; The CCCB has approved of Sunday, Book of Readings. The Lectionary Adopted for Children (separate books for Year A, B and C), Treehaus Communications, Inc. (distributed in Canada by B. BROUGHTON COMPANY LTD. Tel. 416. 690-4777 Email: ) For Leaders preparation- please use the Sunday , Weekly Leader Guide, Year A, B, C (distributed as above )